
Understanding UV Disinfection: What You Need to Know

Many substances around us are contaminated with pathogens like bacteria and germs. It is hard to kill them when you are not sure how much area they have contaminated. The only thing one could use is something that has a better reach and allows proper targeting. When facing such scenarios, you can choose a UV disinfection process. You must understand its science to get a clear concept of UV disinfection. 

This contactless method impacts the medical and industrial sectors more than most methods. You can find apparent results in the form of human health and similar elements involved in it. Likewise, it is easy to proceed since it needs no special training or skills. It is similar to most disinfecting methods, but the only difference is UV rays. Neither chemicals nor any other solid object is used in this method. It is just about eliminating the germs from the upper layer of the targeted substance.

Which Type is Used for the Disinfection Process?

There are three different types of UV disinfection rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. They have different wavelengths, which define their intensity levels. The type used in disinfecting applications is UVC. The reason for using it is below. 

UV Type-C

Type C has the smallest wavelength, between 100 and 280 nm. This element makes it the strongest type for the UV disinfection process. The penetration power of UVC is extremely high, which allows ultraviolet rays to eliminate pathogens. Germs and bacteria can be targeted with the help of this type. That makes the disinfection process similar to direct sunlight. It is similar to sun rays that strike the target with high intensity.

Also, UVC has the most vigorous intensity compared to types A and B. Upon continuous exposure, these rays can cause serious damage to specific objects. These rays will disinfect the surface with the least damage to the targeted object. Compared to chemical methods, this type is less threatening to the substance than bacteria. So, you can trust it to destroy the germs in large quantities without damaging the material you process it on.

How Does the UV Disinfection Process Work?  

The UV disinfection process is simple, and different types of devices are available in the market. Some are portable, and some have to be installed or placed on a wall or table. When a user turns the UV lamp on, UV rays are emitted from the lamp. These rays kill the bacteria upon continuous exposure for a few seconds or minutes, depending on the condition. It is like giving bacteria sunburn to disinfect the targeted surface or liquid. It does not damage temporarily but permanently.

Damages the DNA and RNA of Microorganisms

They cause permanent damage to pathogens by damaging their DNA and RNA. UV disinfection assures complete extermination of pathogens. The intensity is extremely high, which leaves no residue behind. People trust this process since microorganisms can not survive if their RNA is damaged. This process neither contains extreme heat nor physically contacts the targeted object. These rays are dangerous for human skin because of that. So, you can expect the UVC rays to disinfect the liquid or solid object’s surface with better results.

This stops the further growth of germs, making this method more reliable. Users prefer this method to restrict the growth of pathogens. 

Does Not Contain Any Chemicals

It has no chemicals or any solid object that disinfects the surface. Instead, it has tiny light particles that cause damage to pathogens. These particles make this method better and safer than the chemicals. UV rays are a better option as they contain no chemicals to kill pathogens, which is why many electronic goods and hydrophobic objects need UV lights. This method is safe and reliable for many applications where you can’t afford to have any severe chemical reaction.

Since it does not contain chemicals, input will not be needed. UV disinfection lamps only need electricity to eliminate pathogens. Also, it provides better control to users for a stable disinfecting process.

Does Not Change Physical Properties of Targeted Substance 

Since it is all about UV particles, you can trust this method for contactless operation. This method is suitable for not contacting the targeted area and the disinfecting device. It is just like a lamp or torch that you can use to kill germs on the floor, wall, or even tap water flow. Hospitals use these methods to eliminate every threat that could harm patients and attendants.

Even these UV lamps are installed on the water tap to kill germs in water. The water flowing from the tap has to pass through the UV particles, which make water clean and free of pathogens. 

Hardly Needs Maintenance 

Since UV lamps are used for disinfecting, they have many benefits, one of which is low maintenance. They just need to be replaced with UV LEDs after their life is over. Although their LEDs are durable, you will still have to replace them after they reach their final moment. They are replaceable, which is why they are easily maintainable. 

Can Not Penetrate Solid Objects

The UV disinfection method is not suitable for objects that do not allow UV rays to penetrate them. For instance, you can not disinfect the inner layer of a substance except the outer layer. These lamps are suitable only for substances that are either transparent or very thin and have low resistance to UV rays’ penetration. This also restricts UV rays from killing bacteria hiding behind different layers of solid objects. 

Only Works on Transparent and Filtered Water

If you use this method to disinfect liquids, there are some limitations. These limitations concern the particles present inside the liquids. UV rays can not damage solid particles present inside the water, nor can they filter those particles. You will have to use a water filter to remove solid particles like dust, salt, and rust from the water. 

Once you filter the water, the UV rays are capable of killing germs present in it. You can find special UV lamps for faucets. The UV lamp is attached to the point from where the water flows. This is how the water is treated with UV rays for disinfection. 


So, now you might have realized why this method is used in the medical and industrial sectors. When people use this method, the disinfection process becomes much simpler. A simple and instant solution to exterminating germs can not be better than this one.


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